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Mixing alcohol with cetirizine can be risky, as it heightens the chances of experiencing unpleasant side effects like feeling sleepy, dizzy, or losing focus. There are even cases where this combination can result in liver damage. So, it's best to avoid alcohol when taking cetirizine – that way, you can safeguard your liver and reduce the risk of any unwanted effects.

It's better not to drink alcohol while taking cetirizine as it can raise the risk of experiencing side effects like feeling sleepy or dizzy and worsen allergy symptoms, and reduce the medication's effectiveness. You should ideally wait for at least a few hours after drinking before taking cetirizine to avoid any complications.

It is not recommended to consume alcohol the night before taking cetirizine. Alcohol can increase the sedative effects of cetirizine, leading to excessive drowsiness and impaired cognitive function. Additionally, alcohol can exacerbate certain side effects of cetirizine, such as dizziness and dry mouth. It is best to avoid alcohol consumption while taking cetirizine or any other medication.

It is recommended to avoid consuming alcohol while taking cetirizine, as it may increase the risk of side effects such as drowsiness and dizziness. Therefore, it is best to wait until you have completed your course of cetirizine before drinking alcohol. If you have any concerns or questions about the use of cetirizine and alcohol, consult your healthcare provider.

The elimination half-life of cetirizine from the body is approximately 8-10 hours in adults.