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physical aches and pains, aging may also be accompanied by increased anxiety.

to the National Institutes of Health, 3 to 14 percent of older adults
experience anxiety disorders in certain year. Elderly individuals can experience
anxiety for a wide selection of reasons. Occasionally it could come from specific
Situation like suffering from trauma, extreme stress, or bereavement. Other
times, a physical cause might be to blame, such as neurodegenerative ailments
Like a different even mental or medical illness or Alzheimer’s disease. A family
history of anxiety
Can be a leading factor as can alcohol, caffeine, or drugs — prescription,
Over-the-counter, or illegal ones.

Nervousness in elderly relatives is simply associated with the conditions of aging.
“Stress may come from common fears associated with aging such as falling and suffering
A debilitating injury; being not able to afford living expenses like rent,
Drugs, and food; being victimized; being dependent on others; feeling
alone; and concern with death,” said Alice Jacobs Vestergaard, EdD, certified
health education specialist
and faculty member at Ashford University’s College of Health, Human Services,
and Science in San Diego, Calif.

in Elderly: Recognizing the Symptoms

can come with numerous symptoms. Physical tipoffs include a racing
Heart, shallow breathing, trembling, nausea, sweating, a change in appetite, or

Become excessively or concerned older adults may refuse to do routine activities
preoccupied with their routine, may avoid social situations, might concentrate too much
On may begin to hoard, or one particular problem.

Can also experience changes emotionally. They may worry excessively, become
moody, or seem depressed. Self-medicating can be another potential indicator of

in Elderly: The Repercussions

Stress in aged individuals might possess a number of negative consequences. Making
Avoiding and reasons specific activities can be limiting socially and physically.
With pain or alcohol pills can lead to sleeping dangerous and more

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May also result, particularly when you can find other things happening in the older
Individual’s life. “Changing life conditions can lead to stress or depression,
and elders may have both concurrently, making the analysis challenging,”
said Dr. Vestergaard. “Seniors may be coping with changing physical conditions,
Loss of friends/ family, kids moving away, raising frailty, and illness
— all may trigger anxiety and depression.”

in Elderly: Getting Help

you suspect that a loved one is experiencing anxiety, it is important that you
help him to seek treatment. Bear in mind this could be challenging because some
Old folks might not feel comfortable discussing mental health.

primary care physician ought to be the very first stop to rule out physical problems.
Many elderly people feel more open talking to somebody they already understand. If
need be, a doctor can provide a referral to your mental health specialist.

Anxiety about falling is a cause, ask the physician if there are any local programs
to greatly help beat this dilemma. A study in the November 2012 issue of The
Gerontologist found that participating within an eight-week cognitive
This issue is addressed by behavioral program designed to help older individuals
Reduced both the prevalence of falls and fear of falling.

Organizations and groups might be helpful resource for aid also.

if health permits, do not underestimate the worth of supporting the senior to
Help others through volunteer work. “This supplies a significant focus and
purpose which will really help them handle their changing circumstances,” said

Look at the NIHSeniorHealth Web site, more details about seniors and anxiety.

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