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It is music to your ears — a surge in the
Utilization of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) by Western doctors is
changing the practice of medicine. Therapies for example music,
meditation, acupuncture, yoga, and artwork are becoming portion of a new integrative
Approach to medicine that combines the very best of traditional care with the finest and the finest
evidence-based CAM, now located in most leading United States medical facilities.

Origin of Contemporary Music Therapy

The use of music for healing goes back to at least
The time of the ancient Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato. Modern music
Therapy originated during the Second World War, as veterans returned home
shell-shocked — the word used in the 1940s to describe soldiers
suffering from post-traumatic
stress disorder (PTSD). Catatonic depressed, and unable
Thousands were institutionalized to function. When volunteer societies were
Formed to see military hospitals to play with music for returned soldiers, it
Became evident that the music was reaching and awakening seriously disturbed
veterans. That is when the definition of music therapy was utilized for the first time.

By 1950, with the foundation of the National
Association for Music Therapy (NAMT), music therapy was established as a
discipline. The NAMT oversaw the introduction of a board-certification plan and
The growth of the business from less than 50 therapists. Formed by
An amalgamation of the NAMT
Therapy Association (AMTA) was founded in 1998 and is now the largest music
Treatment organization on earth, representing, advocating, and establishing
Standards for more than 30 other and music therapists in the United States

Music Therapy Heals

Music therapy is the use of music to address
Mental, psychological, or cognitive aspects of function. “Good music
Therapy is evidence-based treatment using an idea and also a goal requiring a
relationship having a specialist music therapist,” explained Brian Jantz,
director of the music therapy program at Dana Farber Cancer Institute in
Boston. Although self-treatment may also be beneficial, that is not music

“Music supports a state of mind to empower people
to do things they could not do before to enhance well being,” said Suzanne
Hanser, chair and director of the music therapy program
in Boston. “Music therapists work with individuals who cannot put
Feelings by helping them create into words sounds to communicate what they’re
Feeling and also to access those feelings for them to express them in a non verbal

Therapy and Depression

Feelings of hopelessness, depression, loss, anger, or
frustration because of depression can hinder everyday life for weeks or
longer and may require long term treatment. In America, mental
disorders, including major
Depression disorder, or MDD, change tens of millions of individuals each
year, most of whom are never treated.

Numerous studies have already been done to appraise music
Treatment to deal with depression. One 2011 study printed in the British Journal of
Psychiatry involved 79 individuals between the ages of 18 and 50 with melancholy. Forty-six
received antidepressants,
psychotherapy, and counseling, and the other 33 were given the same treatment,
but with the additional 20 music therapy sessions. Participants were followed
after treatment, when it had been determined that people who received music therapy
experienced fewer symptoms of depression and reported an improved awareness of
overall well-being. These findings imply that music therapy added to other
treatments for depression is useful, particularly for those with a deep
Connection to and love for music.

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Philip Wesley, a musician and music therapist, has
suffered from severe depression and said that not enough studies have been
Ran with mentally ill adults. The research, based on Wesley, hasn’t
Sufficiently captured the ways that people have gained from music therapy.
“A successful music therapy session,” said Wesley, “is one from which a patient
goes away with tools, ideas, and something they have learned about themselves.”

A professor at NYU Steinhardt of music therapy
School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, as well as the former manager of
The Baltic Street Clinic for mental health in Ny, Peter Jampel said that
Individuals with lifelong melancholy can reach their potential

They need a variety, when folks are very depressed
Of treatments, including medication, hospitalization, psychotherapy, and
perhaps music therapy, said Jampel, adding that people who enjoy music have the
Greatest possibility of getting something out it. “If music is in your blood and spirit,
and you really like it, you happen to be the most likely kind of man to be helped by
music therapy and also to locate pathways to go back to mainstream society.”

Treatment in Practice

Joanne Loewy is manager and the creator of the
Louis Armstrong Centre for Music and Medicine at Beth Israel Hospital in New
York. She explained that music therapy works differently for different individuals,
But that a particular protocol is in place to measure the needs of each and every person

By detecting how someone plays music or listens to,
A therapist can determine the therapy that is needed. All instruments are employed to
Understand an individual’s preferred music genre and response to sound. A
Curative plan can comprise the playing of an instrument, singing, or song
writing to function as the vehicle to assist patients express themselves and
ultimately become aware of what they are feeling and why. Treatment duration
Changes for every person. While others might be in just one session is needed by some
treatment for a long time.

Wesley and music therapist, an accomplished pianist
went through a couple of years of serious depression. Throughout that span, he wrote
“Dark Night of the Soul,” a piece that hit No. 1 on the New Age music charts. Writing
And playing as he navigated his way was his treatment
He played with the unfolding composition for his patients while he composed. Now, he
is a full time musician. “Music,” he said, “has a means of bringing out and
Accessing people’s emotions and feelings, and when it occurs, it’s organic,
spontaneous, and miraculous.”

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