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Last Updated on April 28, 2023

Adolescents and children that are bullied are more likely
To report feelings of depression
groups. But questions remain. “What we don’t know is if these kids are already
Somewhat blue and therefore are easy targets should they get or for school intimidation
depressed since they are bullied,” says Robin Haight, PsyD, a psychologist in
private practice in Vienna, Va.

A new study by the National Institutes of Health
has found that sufferers of cyber bullying
Are much more vulnerable to depression than those who are victims of
Conventional school intimidation. Cyber bullying involves behaviours that are
Conveyed over electronic devices for example a pc or mobile phone and is
on the rise.

Connected: Are You Depressed? Take Our Quiz

The authors of the study printed in the
Journal of Adolescent Health theorized that cyber sufferers
May be more prone to feel helpless, dehumanized, or isolated at the time of
their assault, which can lead to depression because, unlike victims of
Conventional school bullying or identify or teen intimidation, they may not see
their attackers.

Another reason that cyber bullying may lead to
Higher rates of depression is the fact that teenagers and kids may be casualties of both cyber
School bullying and bullying, says Elizabeth Englander, PhD, director of the
Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center at Bridgewater State University in
Mass., Bridgewater “The premise is the fact that when things are occurring online
They are quite often occurring in school, too. Students who are casualties of school
Intimidation could also be victims of cyber bullying, which could lead to higher
Rates of depression and anxiety disorders
that we find in these children.”

of Melancholy in Kids

If you suspect your child could be a victim of school
or teen bullying, keep your eyes out for all these signs of depression
— some of which could be different from signals of depression in adults:

  • Mood changes
  • Regular criticisms of
    headaches, stomachaches, or other physical troubles
  • Increased irritability,
    anger, or hostility
  • Sadness or disinterest
    especially in things they normally found to be pleasurable before
  • A change in eating or
    sleeping routines
  • Higher rates of stress
    or clinginess
  • Inferior attention
  • Poor performance in
  • Low energy or indifference
  • Social isolation
  • Discussion of running away from
  • Ideas or expressions
    of suicide
    or self destructive behaviours
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Two or one of these indications may well not be a cause for
Concern, Haight says. Yet, she adds, “If it happens and it doesn’t quit
Following two or a week, you should seek help from an experienced mental health

The signs of depression is likely to be the same regardless
of whether your child is a victim of cyber bullying, school bullying, or
Englander notes, adolescent bullying.

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Englander also says that contrary to what’s written
in parenting magazines, children that are victims of cyber bullying do not always
Avoid another electronic devices or the Internet. “If your kid is averting
electronics, it may not be because he is being cyber bullied. Within my experience,
That hasn’t been so and that is not something we’ve discovered in research or in
field work,” she says.

Early diagnosis and treatment are extremely significant
When it comes to blue children. Depression is an illness also it tends to
run in families. Depression is treatable with individual and family therapy and
Perhaps the use of antidepressant drug. Watch for signs of depression
and seek assistance if you are concerned.

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