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Last Updated on April 28, 2023

For those who happen to be diagnosed with therapy. In addition, your physician may recommend some lifestyle changes which will help you feel better. Among the best is adding exercise, because physical activity has been shown to reduce depression symptoms.

Depression Treatment: Why Exercise Helps

“There is a connection between sparking your heart rate as well as your brain function,” says Julie Walther Scheibel, MEd, a counselor at Concordia Seminary Counseling and Resource Center in St. Louis, Mo.

In a detailed investigation of 80 studies on the topic of exercise and depression, researchers found that:

  • Exercise helped depression over a span of time and both immediately.
  • Exercise helped all those analyzed, but particularly individuals who were at the start of the exercise program, physically or mentally speaking, in the worst state.
  • Exercise helped adults in particular, and women and men equally.
  • The more someone worked out, the less depressed he became.
  • The best anti-depression regimen was a combination of exercise and psychotherapy.

More studies are still needed to determine precisely how exercise helps, but scientists believe action improves physical fitness and reduces levels of stress hormones, thereby alleviating the self esteem that often have group exercise may play a role in relieving symptoms.

Depression Treatment: What Kind of Exercise Is Most Beneficial?

The reply to that question isn’t clear; what’s clear is that any exercise is better than none

After consulting together with your physician, “I would recommend working out at least three to five times per week for an hour or so,” says Walther Scheibel, who advocates a combination of cardiovascular exercise — also called aerobic exercise — and weight training.

“There is no reason not to work out,” includes Walther Scheibel. She suggests that individuals should participate in physical activities that work with their lifestyle and budget and they enjoy. “Walking, running, cycling, swimming, and group exercise classes” are all great exercise options.”

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Depression Treatment: Getting Started

Talk with your mental health provider if you are thinking about exercising to relieve your depression symptoms. She or he is able to work together with you to help figure out how you can fit exercise into your current depression treatment plan.

Talk to your primary doctor at the same time, especially if you have a health condition like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure. Your doctor can recommend exercises that will be safe and successful for you personally.

Healthy adults can aim like walking, jogging, or bicycling, each week; add reinforcing exercises, including push ups, sit-ups, or weight training, at least twice each week.

A competent personal trainer at your gym or community center that is local can assist you to develop an all-inclusive routine that establishes fitness goals at the same time. And recruiting a workout partner could be just the motivation you have to dedicate to some routine regimen that will bring physical and psychological advantages to you.

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